Konsung portable dry bio-chemistry analyzer

Have you ever suffered from such situations? When you wake up in the morning, you can’t feel refreshed, and the situation may be improved after breakfast. And sometimes you even fall asleep while during a conversation with others; or you often suffer from leg cramps and tingling, even calcium supplementation cannot alleviate such cramps symptoms. If the above symptoms have occurred, it’s probably high cholesterol. High cholesterol is one of the main causes of heart cerebrovascular diseases, which can be called an “invisible killer”. For the reason that it is not obvious in early stage so it is often ignored, which will cause serious complications. Currently, the number of patients under fatal risk is increasing year by year. Two cases are closely related to it (high cholesterol) in an average of 5 deaths, and the age of onset is getting younger and younger. As time goes, it may threat patients’ life if these problems have not been timely found. Therefore, once such symptoms are noticed,you’d better go to examine blood lipid in time, and you can clarify the possibility of increased cholesterol, so that the disease can be eliminated during budding process. Konsung portable dry bio-chemistry analyzer only requires 45μL of fingertip blood, the value of glucose, lipid, liver function and kidney function will be tested within 3 min, which can provide test results with lab-quality accuracy for patients. At the same time, it brings more comfort and convenience for the patients. It can be applied in urgent care, pediatrics clinics, bed-side testing in hospitals, small clinics, family physicians and pharmacies... Konsung medical is committing to providing maximum convenience for patients in different scenarios.